brace brace brace brace brace brace brace brace    
Bracecar second edition
Bracecar second edition
Bracecar second edition
Bracecar second edition
Purse: zipper, latex
Purse: zipper, latex
Purse: zipper, latex
Chain: acrylic, metal
Broche: metalic,plastic
Earring: metalic,plastic,alpeca,messing
Earring: metalic,plastic,alpeca
Brace: metalic,plastic
Brace: metalic,plastic
Brace: metalic,plastic
Brace: metalic,plastic
Brace: metalic,plastic
Brace: metalic,plastic
Broche: pushpin
Brace: acrylic, metal
Chain: acrylic, metal
Ring: acrylic, metal
Scarf: 100% puresilk +/- 110 cm X 110 cm

sold at: spr+ Supermarket and Beljon





The idea behind the scarf.

I wanted to fixate a moment of time, I don’t want to get older. This way when I will be an old man I can still wear my young wild hair. Of course this evokes total different associations. The moslim headscarf, funny how a scarf gets this total different meaning nowadays while a little while back every culture religious or not wore these things. This is a combination of a couple of religious concepts like the jewish people can wear other one’s hair (wig), moslims cannot show their own hair just like the christian nuns and when you wear this scarf you might look a little like Jezus. I am telling you this to show you I am aware of the sensitivety and I don’t want to offend anyone in anyway so I am offending them all. Because this whole thing started with an total different innocent naïve idea, believe it or not.

Everything necessary to produce this product is done by me: the concept designed by me, silk dyed by me, the print of my hair silkscreenprinted by me, and me selling you a piece of me. This makes this product Unique. Of course I had some help from friends for example taking a picture of your own hair is impossible. So thanks to my friends.